English for life

English trainer _ online coaching

New Introduction - Online English Classes

 # English Speaking    #Power of Spelling     #  IELTS Preparation      # Grammar

New Portfolio I was raised in a joint family where all the members were teachers and there it laid my first step to make my passion as my profession. Started my career as a teacher at the age of 19 after completing my diploma in teaching Education. Since then teaching has become the major part of my life and found joy in anything and everything that was related to teaching. Getting specialized in English became my goal after having fallen in love with all things English.

Why Englang cafe ?Who Choose our Training? 

Kids these days are more ambitious than ever. They want to pursue their dream jobs and build a successful career. But doing so requires gaining employment abroad , which entails IELTS. The exam incorporates reading, listening, writing, and speaking skills of the examinee. Many adults missed their dream opportunities since they skipped out on this as kids.

Do they miss anything if they don’t take up extra classes for English language?

As kids grow older, they realize that a lack of spoken English could have kept them away from a vast horizon of benefits. We still feel it is okay ?

Kids who were not taught to speak English fluently find it challenging to listen, understand, and communicate their message to others in both verbal and written terms. They lack sentence formation and vocabulary, *which increases peer pressure during their later stages of life.

What should I do as a parent?

Parents shouldn’t think so much about how to teach spoken English for kids and Simply enroll them in an online spoken English classes for kids to provide the various advantages that the language offers and enable their kids to build a bright future.

To all the students who Learn English as a subject at school and all the adults who learnt English as a subject and now struggling at your workplace …. Place your enquiries and questions…

Know Your Language Trainer 

Feel Free to Say Anything!

If you have any questions just email me. I’m available at working time .( 9AM – 6PM).

 Just give me a whatsapp message @ +91 755022399 follow us 🙂 chief@consultandlearn.com

  For More details : https://consult-learn1.my.canva.site/




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